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HR Outsourcing News Roundup: Interviewing, Hiring and Onboarding Edition

By / November 6, 2014 / Uncategorized No Comments

Your company builds a lasting impression with new hires very early on. From the job description to the interview itself and, of course, during their onboarding process — every action or inaction is judged as part of your company’s image and culture. Even those who aren’t hired may go on to say wonderful or terrible things about your organization, so you should make sure your process runs smoothly not just from HR or management’s point of view, but from the candidate’s as well.

This week’s HR Outsourcing News Roundup brings you articles and blog posts with advice and information on creating the best process for interviewing, hiring and onboarding.

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Conducting Interviews. Forbes: “Try to prepare a core set of questions that you can use with everyone who interviews for a given position. This does not rule out follow-up questions or questions you choose to ask in the moment—instead, it provides you with a baseline tool to measure applicants’ responses against one another. This is particularly useful if multiple people are interviewing the same candidates.”

The Rise of the Rude Hiring Manager. Harvard Business Review: “Make certain that everyone who’s being considered for a position is given the courtesy of a definitive response within the stated timeframe. Just as e-mail has compounded our daily load, so too does it liberate us from making those hard calls person to person. Use the tool to your advantage.”

Hiring Skilled Employees? Maybe You Need the Tour of Duty Approach. TLNT: “New hires take about three months to become fully productive. The most productive employees tend to be those who understand their company’s strategy — a knowledge base that increases with time at a company. On the other side, employees must re-establish their reputation, credibility, and networks every time they get a new job.”

Best Behavior, Best Practices: The Etiquette Of Successful Onboarding. TalentCulture: “…think beyond that wall of paperwork and organizational tasks. Engaging new hires and inviting them into the spirit of the company is be just as important as making sure you have all the data straight. And it’s far more polite.”

6 Best Practices for Onboarding Remote Employees. Redbooth: “In a typical office environment, it’s easy to forget about employees working remotely. The comfort of walking around the office and interacting with one another is something virtual employees are unable to experience. The key to a successful work environment is allowing new hires to experience the office regardless of where they are located. Take new hires on a virtual tour of the office in the comfort of their seats. Virtually walk them through the office, introducing various team members. Have co-workers welcome them to make them feel like they are also part of the family.”

If you need assistance with your hiring or onboarding processes, contact us. We’re here to help.

HR Solutions is a human resources outsourcing firm based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We eliminate human resources headaches for businesses with 10 to 1,000 employees by handling their payroll, employee benefits, regulatory compliance and other staffing needs. Contact us to learn how we can streamline your company’s human resources function to save money and reduce risk.

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